Mad Millie Greek Yoghurt Kit




The Mad Millie Greek Yoghurt Kit contains live cultures that are ready to be fermented into thick, creamy yoghurt. Over 1 million live cultures per gram when made with full-fat milk, as per the Mad Millie recipe.

With the Mad Millie Greek Yoghurt Kit, you can make delicious Greek yoghurt, soy yoghurt and labna (yoghurt cheese). Perfect for beginners and advanced users with all specialised ingredients and equipment included. Just add milk!

No Artificial Flavours or Preservatives – Gluten-Free – Vegetarian – Live Dairy-Free Cultures – Nut-Free – Vegan Option

– Includes: 1 L Jar,Cheese Cloth, 5 x Sachets of dairy-free Yoghurt Culture, Stainless Steel Thermometer
How-to Guide
– 30 minutes hands-on time per recipe
– Kit makes 5 batches (5 kg/11 lb) of yoghurt before refills are required.

Mad Millie Dairy Free Yoghurt Culture contains Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus.

To give your cultures the best chance of success they need to be kept nice and warm overnight.

Ingredients: Live freeze dried yoghurt cultures (5x sachets – freeze dried lactic bacteria).